Our OB decided it was in the best interest of me and baby for him to be delivered at 36 weeks. That was on Christmas Eve. We decided to wait till Christmas was over to have the baby. Monday morning at 5am we were admitted to Northside Hospital. I sat around in a gown just watching tv till they finally started medication to get the show on the road at 9am. Around 10am my contractions became stronger and seemed to be making some progress. At 10:20 the babies heart beat dropped off the monitor and doctors and nurses rushed in and tried to put him back on. In doing this my water broke and he found his way back on the monitor. The contractions got very heavy at this point and close together. I decided it was time to get the pain meds... the md checked me at 1:00 and I had made it to 4cm 80% efface. At this point I was comfortable and couldn't feel a thing. The md said she would be back to check me again. The baby's heartrate kept taking dips after all the contractions so the md came back in at 1:40 and turned me to my side... that didn't help... they turned me again... that didn't help... they checked me to find I had made it to 7cm 100% effaced. The nurse called the md... she came in 10 minutes later to only find that we were 10 cm and ready to push... we got the NICU team since he was only 36 weeks.... and started pushing.we found that the cord was wrapped around his neck and Scott thought he was out of cutting the cord again.... 10 minutes later at 2:10 Landon David DeMeester was born. 5lbs 4oz. 18 inches long and a 12 inch head. He is a peanut but sooo beautiful!!! PS Scott got to trim the cord!!
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