Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day January 10,2010 and January 11,2011

We got up at 6am to find 6 inches of snow... unfortunately it was covered with a sheet of ice. Schools were canceled for 2 days so far. Traveling is not a good idea until it melts which we aren't seeing on the weather forcast till Thursday.

Payten loves it though!! Thank goodness I picked up a pair of boots for Buffalo, imagine that we are using them in Georgia!

This is a northerner without a snow brush in the south... we use our push broom instead. Scott is on call so his car needs to be cleared off and ready to go! Good luck getting down our hill... can you say sleigh ride with heat!?

Our neighbors made a snowman, no she is not going swimming, we tried sledding with the tube.

pushing her wheelbarrow around with snow in it...

Landon wanted to go out too, fleece outfit, snowsuit, 2 hats... sorry buddy it's just too cold out there and there is some rainy sleet coming down.

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