Happy 4 Months Buddy

Gotta love this little boy. He is such a little peanut when you are used to a chunker! Landon is more 1lb less than his sister was at this age. He is still not sleeping through the night, he gets up around 2am for a bottle then around 5-6 for another. He eats his fruit in the morning only to go back to sleep for 3-4 hours in his swimg of course. After that his naps are are spuratic and irregular including his feedings are 4-5oz and he is still struggling with reflux. He eats homemade food made by his sister and I. He loves it! It's totally GREAT to see that he is on his way to healthy eating. He rolls back and forth and smiles at his doggy, sister and mommy and daddy of course but more the dog and Payten. He love to be carried around and has no real span for chilling independantly unless you are talking to him the whole time.
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