Saturday, July 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Payten

Payten turned 4 years old on July 7th.  She is a very independent little girl who is a go getter... ok a tell you to go and get it but she is a right now kinda girl.  She really is smart but sometime very lazy with what you ask her to do verses what she would like to do.  We had her best friend Haylee sleep over with her little sister Aubrey.  It was a whole lot of fun, we began by taking a ride to their school to pick them up.  Payten and Haylee sang songs in the car the whole ride home which entertand Aubrey and Landon in the car! We played balloons, painting and then we took a bath all together in the tub.  After that it was story time with four kids... what a fun time for sure! Payten and Haylee slept in sleeping bags in the playroom.  It was fun at first but then they had a hard time staying asleep when Landon got up, next time they can sleep in Landon's room and he can sleep in the pack and play. 
Payten's Stats...
She is a big girl for sure! She measures
45lbs and 44 inches tall
she is in the 96 percentile all around. 
She had tubes but one was removed last year and the other fell out on it's own.  She has the wholes in her ears still so they are still acting as if the tubes are in there which is great news. Payten knows her letters pretty well, she will tell you she doesn't but when it comes down to if she is going to get what she wants or not poof she knows it and knows how to spell it.  She is learning to differentiate her different grandparents and call them by their last names.  Granted Matuszewski is very difficult to say but she does a good job trying. She loves to talk on the phone and leave messages when you don't answer for the most part she leaves and appropriate message that will melt your heart.

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