Saturday, May 30, 2009

Random movies from the visit with Emerson

Payten is great at mimicking ... listen carefully she mimicks the mini sheep

Payten saying fishy and looking at the fish, Emerson chilling in the stroller.

Payten riding the horse

Emerson loving Payten's swing

Petting Zoo with Cousin Emerson!

Uncle Scott and Emerson
Payten contiplating what to do next
Uncle Nick, Emerson and Payten
Aunt Melissa and Payten
The Drew Family with nosey Payten trying to get into the picture
Nick and Emerson
Our little rider!
Ewww there is poo on my shoe

Nice Wess Wess


hey....hey... look


eat this!

My momma's a llama


hey you!

nice cow

One of my favorites... the fuzzy guy loved Payten

She is an animal lover that's for sure!

fuzzy guy...get over here!

Yep they're in jail!

hey, look at me!

Petting the mini animal

hey pull his tail
We went to a small local petting zoo with the kids, they loved it. Payten thought that all the animals were great, she even got to ride her first horse. Payten also started talking sheep during our visit... so cute. She certainly has a wonderful personality! She is putting more and more sentences together each day. She loves her Uncle Nick and Aunt Melissa. She thinks Uncle Nick is hilarious... they laugh with eachother all day. Aunt Melissa is a super mommy, Payten told her so. Cousin Emerson "merson" or "baby" as she called him. Payten was very gentle but didn't know how to play with him, she talked to him but would not share things with him...

Taking a bath with her cousin

It's ok baby, it only gets worse when your hair gets longer....
Hi baby.... hi

Payten put lotion in her hair so she had to get back into the tub...of course with Emerson, they had a blast together and Emerson loved the big tub!
"hey baby, u bath?"

Friday, May 29, 2009

Emerson and Payten

They are now best buds...
so pretty but a mess!
Emerson wants to get her socks...
he's a big boy too big for Payten to hold

Aren't they cute!
Silly people!
She likes to randomly talk to strangers...

Daddy shows Payten the sea rays.
Look at that fish!

Hi fishy

Payten and Cousin Emerson so cute
What a beautiful family
Payten thinks Uncle Nick is hilarious
