Monday, March 22, 2010

Payten's Playdate...

Intent on building...

look at that hair!!

" Hello Aubrey are you sleeping"

building a castle together, even Wesson is helping

"are you warm enough Aubrey?"

Singing to Aubrey!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Our Little Animal Lover...movies at the bottom!

Inside the teepee I am suprised she liked this..

feeding the chickens cheese its

Swinging on the tire swing
come on horseeeeee
helping Ms. Margo

look bunnies
can I have this one!?

Mommy's student Emily

What a busy day. Payten began gymnastics in a class without mommy. She did well for her first time, she was very compliant! We are going to continue going and see how it goes. Wesson went and got a bath today. It was very traumatizing to Payten. She thought that we were abandoning her there and not coming back for her. We dropped her off at 8am, she cried the whole way to gymnastics at 9:30 then the minute we got back in the car from gymnastics she asked to go and get Wesson. When I tried to explain to her that Wesson was getting a bath and she wasn't ready yet she only got more upset and she preceded not to nap because she was so worried about Wesson. I finally got her to nap, only to have to wake her up and tell her we were going to get Wesson. She was very much excited and when we got to the vet she demanded her dog back!

spinning on the playground chair

feeding the chickens

bunny chase!