Wednesday, June 11, 2008

11 Month Progress

Payten is officially 11 months old. Who figured that a year ago today I was sitting in a class for work and learning how to be a good mentor and was 2cm dialated and having appointments 2 times a week and wishing for her to come on the 4th of July even though that would mean she was very early. None the less here she is today, crawling, standing for 10seconds, taking a step or 2 and well on her way to talking. She says "no" but doesn't know what it means but loves to say it. She also says "hiya", "mom", "dada" and well she babbles a ton and we just try and make sense of it. She is cutting 4 teeth on the top, she is NOT sleeping through the night right now because of those teeth. I am not working since school is out so Scott is catching up on sleep daily until August comes around. We are having Payten's first birthday party at our local neigborhood pavillion on July 5th, where she will have hamburgers, hotdogs and cake with an Elmo theme. Then on the 10th of July we will head to NY for another party in another park on the 13th. We will spend 3 weeks in NY very busy and hopefully we will stay well the whole time. Keep your fingers crossed Payten has not been sick for 10 days! She takes benadryl nightly for her sinus attacks that has seemed to help her stay a little more healthy.

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