Sunday, November 29, 2009

Craft Day!!!

Look the are torturing her already...we have popsicles and you can't have one..
wanna snack!?

look we can snack and look at the train

painting the bulbs...

more paint please

we started off with a clean table...

Payten thinks her Christmas Tree should be Yellow, it's her favorite color.

Best Friends...
Payten and Haylee are busy at work making holiday ornaments and gifts for Grandparents. They are too cute together. Payten ran upstairs to get something and Haylee yelled "Payten" and Payten answered, "I'm upstairs"... we truly are blessed that Haylee is here and so close in age... Payten has gotten to hold baby Aubrey too.. it has given her the opprotunity to see how to treat someone who is smaller than her! This is a true meaning of the holiday, to make things for out loved ones to show them how much we love them and to spend time with those we love. Unfortunately we do not get to spend time with our families but we have some great friends to help us fill our hearts with happiness. We love all of you Buffalonians and other places too.. We wish you Happy Holidays.. stay posted... we are getting a Christmas Tree next weekend!

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